So last week my great friend Kym came over. (You'll hear more about her later.) She had this craft that she had done with her girls a long time ago. It sounded pretty simple, just put some pipe cleaners on some candy canes with a couple eyes and a nose and viola! You've got yourself a pretty cute little reindeer. We started making the antlers pretty standard at first. But then we started getting pretty creative with them... Pretty soon we were trying to think of the most random hair styles from every era to duplicate on these poor little reindeer. The more retarded the better. You would have seriously thought that we were drunk by how hard we were laughing! Between the TV antenna antlers, the beehive, and the emo reindeer it was kind of hard to breath after a while.

So I take these awesomely crafty and hilarious creations to Jack's school this morning to give to each of his classmates. I was keeping them in cups so that they wouldn't get squished or broken during transport. While Jack is already sitting on his carpet square saying the pledge of allegiance I proceed to put each reindeer in all of his classmates cubbies. I have one cup ontop of the cubbies and the other in my hand. A mom comes up and stands next to me. (one that I am not friends with by the way) and she knocks the cup over onto the floor spilling all the reindeer all over the floor. With a half hearted "sorry" she proceeds to pick them up, shove them back into the cup with no care at all and calms me by saying, "oh its ok, none of them broke." Oh REALLY? Did you inspect each and every one? Because yeah, A LOT of them broke! Some had their noses fell off or their poor little googly eyes popped off and one broke completely in half! She apparently had no idea how long it took to make each of those. I will think about it the next time I see her. I won't actually say anything, because I'm a big wuss, but I'll think about giving her the stink eye!
Bitch slapper her next time you see her, or at least trip her. hehehe