Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Big words for a little person

So I'm wrapping a present yesterday and Jack notices that there are still 2 holes that clearly need to be filled so that Nana won't see whats inside. Once I folded up the ends where these 2 gaping holes were and taped everything up he said, "Oh! Now its better concealed." Really? Concealed? Dude, he's 4.

And last week when he was talking to Kym about his awesome trip to the science museum with Kasey and Devin he was discribing the penguins and busted out with "Enclosure".

These are pretty big words from someone who still can't write his own name and always forgets 17 while counting to 20. oh well, he'll get there.

1 comment:

  1. Thats my grandson, smarter then the average bear. hehehehe
