Let me start by saying I love my brothers. If it wasn't for my husband, I wouldn't have any. And they are good and putting up with my shit. Although, maybe a little too good. It dawned on me the other day that we have been seeing a lot of them lately. They both live an hour away so generally we see them once or twice a month. Not lately though. We have been seeing one, if not both of them, every weekend for the past 5 weeks. And it's not like the stay for an hour or two and then go home. No. They are here for days and they just camp out! Literally! They don't bother getting dressed or take showers. They roll off of the air mattress/couch and start playing video games. (The total Man-tastic video games of dudes shooting other dudes!) They have gotten so used to being here and being around a sister that they don't bother saying excuse me when they fart or burp. I know I'm lucky and have a great husband that even after we have been together for almost 10 years, he STILL excuses himself. Even when he thinks no one is listening. The other day one of the brothers totally burped all huge, you know the "I'm-So-Cool-and-Manly" sort of burp. I looked at him with a bewildered look and he was totally confused. Really?
Luckily I brought this to the attention of my husband and he also had noticed that we have not had a quiet weekend with just our little family in way too long. So hopefully, the next time they call, (I'm thinking tomorrow) and want to come up here he will tell them maybe next weekend.
Apparently I use this blog to bitch about my in-laws. Sorry. I'm just assuming some of you want to know about my family so that yours won't seem so dysfunctional! HA
The Light of Others
7 years ago
Here is a suggestion, send a email to the entire family stating you will be out of town for the next 5 weekends. Wish everyone a good day and then lay low.......and have 5 nice and quiet weekends in a row. It works for us.