I'm not sure what he ate but something was seriously giving Jack some baaaaad gas yesterday. I know what you're thinking... why on earth do I want to know about some kids farts. You know why? Because its funny! Now keep reading!
We were at Target yesterday picking up a few things before we drove up to Fairfield to meet my dad for his birthday dinner. I'm in the card aisle when I smell something foal coming from Jack's direction. Of course I'm not the only one in the aisle. There are 2 other innocent bystanders that are reading cards happily before the wall of stink hit them. I found a card within 3 seconds and made a quick retreat in the opposite direction from the two poor victims. I mentally apologized for my son’s butt as we ran.
We arrived at the restaurant a little early so Jack and I sat in the car for a few minutes while I was chatting with my friend Melissa. (read her blog, its hilarious). As we were sitting there though there became a stench from the backseat that seemed to leach over to the front seat. It was so bad that I had to quickly end my conversation and vacate the car immediately! There was no sound to warn me of what was to come, only the giggles that followed. We stood there in the parking lot, with the doors open, trying to get that awful smell out of my car! I could only imagine coming back from dinner to sit down in a fart marinated car!
So we go inside and we are sitting on one of the benches waiting for my dad to show up. I think I smell something rotten that smells similar to what had burned my nostrils earlier. I asked Jack, "Did you toot again?" He replied with, "No, but I did when we were outside!" He acted a bit proud of this for some reason. I told him that if he feels the need to fart like that again, that he should tell me and we will go outside again. Only a boy would be proud of the fact that they made their mom gag!
The Light of Others
7 years ago