Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Son - Definitely a BOY!

I'm not sure what he ate but something was seriously giving Jack some baaaaad gas yesterday. I know what you're thinking... why on earth do I want to know about some kids farts. You know why? Because its funny! Now keep reading!

We were at Target yesterday picking up a few things before we drove up to Fairfield to meet my dad for his birthday dinner. I'm in the card aisle when I smell something foal coming from Jack's direction. Of course I'm not the only one in the aisle. There are 2 other innocent bystanders that are reading cards happily before the wall of stink hit them. I found a card within 3 seconds and made a quick retreat in the opposite direction from the two poor victims. I mentally apologized for my son’s butt as we ran.

We arrived at the restaurant a little early so Jack and I sat in the car for a few minutes while I was chatting with my friend Melissa. (read her blog, its hilarious). As we were sitting there though there became a stench from the backseat that seemed to leach over to the front seat. It was so bad that I had to quickly end my conversation and vacate the car immediately! There was no sound to warn me of what was to come, only the giggles that followed. We stood there in the parking lot, with the doors open, trying to get that awful smell out of my car! I could only imagine coming back from dinner to sit down in a fart marinated car!

So we go inside and we are sitting on one of the benches waiting for my dad to show up. I think I smell something rotten that smells similar to what had burned my nostrils earlier. I asked Jack, "Did you toot again?" He replied with, "No, but I did when we were outside!" He acted a bit proud of this for some reason. I told him that if he feels the need to fart like that again, that he should tell me and we will go outside again. Only a boy would be proud of the fact that they made their mom gag!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Inspiration Blog - Read It!

There were a number of reasons why I finally decided to start my own blog. I had been reading a few others and found them mildly entertaining. But there is one in particular that is so great and makes me laugh every time I read it. She was a bride of mine over the summer and we quickly became great friends. She is hilarious in person and is able to convey that same hilarity in her writing. It was her writing that inspired me to think, hey, I can write stuff thats funny too right? And it was her that originally came up with the title “you can’t make this stuff up” while I was telling her one of my long drawn out stories.
Even if you don't know her, you should read her blog. You will quickly get to know her and her wonderful husband. He is just as funny as she is, but just don’t ask him to catch a mouse for you. I suppose the fact that her name is also Melissa makes me like her that much more. Hehe

Go to: South of Reason/

Melissa: If this isn't a shout out, I don't know what is! :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Much Anticipated Debut of my Beads!

As most of you know I have a wonderful hobby of making lampwork beads. It is such a great creative outlet for me. I can just sit in front of my torch for hours not thinking about anything but the glass and making it pretty. I've been meaning to post some pictures of my beads up here but I've been too busy making them! So, here are the latest in the "I'm Crazy About Dots" series.

The one on the far left has to be one of the biggest beads I've ever made. But really its only an inch and a half long. hehe
I'm planning on making these sets bigger by adding more spaces to match and selling them as a complete necklace/bracelet set. I just don't feel like putting them together. But I should be able to get some decent cash for them, right?

The glass that I used for the red, orange, and yellow are called strikers. Sometimes they turn the colors that you want, and sometimes they don't. When I was making the smaller beads to match the focal for this one the red looked exactly like the orange. So I'll have to make another one that looks red.
I've been working on my bi-cone shaped beads. I took the colors of one of my current bride's wedding and applied them to these beads. They are pretty girly but I like them!

Oh Brother's Were art thou leaving?

Let me start by saying I love my brothers. If it wasn't for my husband, I wouldn't have any. And they are good and putting up with my shit. Although, maybe a little too good. It dawned on me the other day that we have been seeing a lot of them lately. They both live an hour away so generally we see them once or twice a month. Not lately though. We have been seeing one, if not both of them, every weekend for the past 5 weeks. And it's not like the stay for an hour or two and then go home. No. They are here for days and they just camp out! Literally! They don't bother getting dressed or take showers. They roll off of the air mattress/couch and start playing video games. (The total Man-tastic video games of dudes shooting other dudes!) They have gotten so used to being here and being around a sister that they don't bother saying excuse me when they fart or burp. I know I'm lucky and have a great husband that even after we have been together for almost 10 years, he STILL excuses himself. Even when he thinks no one is listening. The other day one of the brothers totally burped all huge, you know the "I'm-So-Cool-and-Manly" sort of burp. I looked at him with a bewildered look and he was totally confused. Really?
Luckily I brought this to the attention of my husband and he also had noticed that we have not had a quiet weekend with just our little family in way too long. So hopefully, the next time they call, (I'm thinking tomorrow) and want to come up here he will tell them maybe next weekend.
Apparently I use this blog to bitch about my in-laws. Sorry. I'm just assuming some of you want to know about my family so that yours won't seem so dysfunctional! HA

Friday, January 9, 2009

A New Years Story - The Franco Way

So Heidi and Kym decided that we should definitely do something fun for New Years, but conveniently their houses are too small. Their obvious solution was to just have a gathering at our house. Sure. No big deal. I like people. And hell, I didn't have to drive anywhere. Nothing too big, 9 people plus myself. I tried to get my friend Kasey to come, but her husband didn't want to drive. I understand, but he's still a putz. hehe We all sat around the table playing a dice game that Kym taught us, Farkle. Its actually a lot more fun than the name implies, go with it. We celebrated midnight at 9:00pm for Jack. We all went outside, shot off poppers, yelled Happy New Year, and even watched the ball drop on TV. Jack was pretty excited he got to stay up too but he went to bed shortly after that. I know it must have been difficult for him to sleep though considering how loud we all were downstairs. I tend to get a little loud when the sh*t-talking starts, plus the jello shots... yeah... Anyway, so we were all sitting there when we realized that Jason was missing! I go upstairs thinking that he was checking on Jack. But nope, Jack was sound asleep. I find Jason passed out on our bed. It was 10:30pm. I go downstairs to inform everyone that we can officially skip his turn and Kym forces a camera on me! Tells me I HAVE to go back upstairs and take a picture of him pass out. (See this way it's Kym's fault) I did put up a ton of resistance but I was told since it was only 10:30 it was my responsibility to take his picture for documentation. *sigh* So I go up and take a quick picture, and I'm out. I know not to touch him when he's “sleeping” and decides to go to bed early.

Isn't he cute when he sleeps?!?!

I did go and check on him again an hour later to see if he was going to be joining us for the real midnight's activities. I find him on the bed along with quite the mess in the bathroom. :( I asked him if he was going to be joining us, but all I got back was an eye's closed mean sounding mumbled mrmm-mmrr. I took that as a no.
So here comes midnight, we pour the champagne, get the TV turned to any channel and start the count down. Meanwhile Heidi was so excited about getting to the living room before midnight with the champagne she slips and spills the champagne. Not sure how, but she ended up getting more on her and her hair than on the wall and floor. And yet, she was still a great sport. Love her. So there I am, with 2 glasses of champagne counting down until midnight, surrounded by couples. 3, 2, 1, YAY! kissy kissy. And me... drinky drinky.

I finally kick everyone out around 1:45 or so. I lock everything up, turn everything off, gather as many cleaning supplies that will fit in my hands, and head upstairs for my maid service. I clean up the explosion that apparently happened just outside the bathroom. So close, yet so far away. Unfortunately, while I was busy scrubbing the toilet I hear some footsteps that quickly turned into loud running to the other bathroom. I go to check on him and I bring him cold wet wash cloths for his neck and face. I'm such a good wife by the way! I finish cleaning up and finally go to bed. Jason joins me but only for short intervals. Neither one of us did a lot of sleeping that night. I am a very light sleeper and every time he got up, I got up, and we were up most of the night. It was awesome. Yay, Happy New Year.